Canada Day Pancake Breakfast & AGM
(Sat 02 Jul 2022)
Pancake Day
Canada Day is very soon, so come in your best Canadian attire and bring your family & flags to celebrate Canada Day at the Canadian Club Pancake Breakfast & AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Sat 02 Jul 2022.
Please find all the details below and on the attached PDF flyer. If you know of any other Canucks who may wish to attend then please share these event details.
Pancake Breakfast:
Buffet Pancakes (inc Gluten Free option), Bacon, Eggs, Sausages, Juice, Tea, Coffee, and of course lots of Canadian Maple Syrup. The Pancake Breakfast is a very popular event, great opportunity to celebrate Canada Day, catch up with everyone in the club, review the past year, and select the club committee for Jul 2022 to Jun 2023, so more great events can then be planned for the year ahead.
Deadline is Sat 25 June for RSVP & Prepay. We have held the costs low where possible for both the breakfast & membership options.
At the Pancake Breakfast there will also be some Gift Basket Raffles of North American goods. Tickets will be $2 each or 3 tickets for $5, and raffles will be drawn at the event so remember to bring some cash.
Saturday 02 Jul @ 10:00am (event start). Doors open at 9:30am. We recommend arriving at 9:30am to have the opportunity to catch up with everyone. Breakfast served from 10:00am.
The Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera, Auckland. Entrance is behind the main building, follow driveway around to the right of the club building. Plenty of free parking is available at the venue.
Event Cost:
• Adults (11 years +):
• $17 with existing membership or new (see 'Club Membership Dues' below)
• $26 without membership / guest
• Children 5-10 years:
• $10 with existing membership or new (see 'Club Membership Dues' below)
• $13 without membership / guest
• Children under 5 years:
• Free
Great opportunity to bundle a membership for Jul 2022 - Jun 2023 with the pancake breakfast.
If you have a gluten free requirement, then please let us know in your email RSVP, and we will coordinate with the venue.
RSVP & Pre-Payment for event by Sat 25 Jun:
The club must confirm numbers to the venue in advance so we need to have your RSVP & Pre-payment by end of day on Sat 25 June.
RSVPs after this date may not be possible as venue needs finalised numbers for catering.
Please include in your RSVP the number of people in your party, their first & last names, and if any children are included then their age.
Email RSVP to:
Pre-payment by internet banking is required for this event please. Payment will not be accepted at the door. Cancellations made after Sat 25 Jun are non-refundable as the club will have committed numbers to the venue.
Club account: The Canadian Club of New Zealand 01 - 0129 - 0088533 - 00
Once payment has been made, please include your surname with the payment details and also notify the club by email at , so we can reconcile & confirm receipt of payment to you.
Club Membership Dues:
We encourage everyone to join the club as a paid member. Membership entitles you to be eligible for discounts to club events, and supports the club’s hosting of many great events, prize draws, and website. New Canadian Club memberships start from Jul 01 2022 and can be paid online. Note: Given the lack of club events held during 2021, anyone who has an existing paid membership for the current Jul 2021 - Jun 2022 period, will have their paid membership extended to include the upcoming Jul 2022 - Jun 2023 period. Please contact the club if you are unsure if you qualify.
• Individual: $12
• Family: $24
The Canadian Club of NZ membership page English / Francais, has all the details offered by each membership option.
Annual General Meeting:
The Canadian Club of New Zealand Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be also be held on Sat 02 Jul 2022 at the Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera, Auckland.
The AGM will follow the pancake breakfast which starts at 10:00 am. The AGM will not start before 11:00 am.
We have vacancies on our club committee. If you can spare some time and can give something back to your club, we’d love to see you put your hand up. Please give it some thought and contact us if you want to find out more about what's involved.
For the Annual General Meeting (AGM) the following Officers and Executives are elected annually:
• Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator
• Executives: Committee including Social Media Coordinator, Prize Coordinator
Please let Veronica Bird, Club Secretary at the Canadian Club know by email by Sat 25 Jun if you wish to register interest in a specific role as an Officer or be on the committee in a general capacity as an Executive.
Registrations of interest for election by any Individual, or Family Member (aged 18 or older), must be received by the Secretary by Sat 25 Jun:
Prior to the AGM, the Club Secretary will email a list of all nominations to the members. If there are insufficient nominations received by/on Sat 25 Jun, then further nominations may be received at the AGM.
Only members who are named on the Membership List as at Jul 02 2022 will be entitled to vote. All others are still welcome.
Approval of Jul 2021 AGM Minutes
Matters Arising
Annual (President's) Report
Financial (Treasurer's) Report
Election of Officers:
Events Coordinator
Election of Executives:
Committee, including Social Media Coordinator/s, Prize Coordinator
Meeting Close
For clarification on any of the above, please feel free to email the club: or post a message on the club Facebook group or page (see links below).
Happy Canada Day eh!